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  • #54878

    Hey John Boy, you didn’t answer my question? Where do you live that you have the opportunity to chose between KMWW or CKM?

    Fighting American

    \”These Belts Aren’t Issued They’re Earned.\”


    John Boy,

    Where do you live that you even have the option of choosing between the two? Or are you thinking about DVD training?

    Fighting American

    \”These Belts Aren’t Issued They’re Earned.\”


    Towel Combat

    Do you really want to talk about towels? Check out this link….LOL…

    Beginners Guide to Towel Combat


    \”These Belts Aren’t Issued They’re Earned.\”


    A Good Instructor

    A Good Instructor (to me):

    Instructor Presence:
    A good instructor has a command presence, takes pride in their appearance, and strives to set the physical example maintaining a high degree of physical conditioning this will instill confidence in what they teach. A good instructor is also a positive motivated individual. A good instructor puts the needs of their students above their own.

    Class Preparation:
    A good instructor is prepared for every class; they show a thorough knowledge of the course material. A good instructor plans out drills in advance and will practice those drills to ensure they will be fruitful training experiences (and appropriate to the students level/abilities) prior to putting the students through them.

    In Class Instruction:
    A good instructor communicates each lesson in a way that can be easily understood. A good instructor is also able to be spontaneous and change things up to keep them interesting and can foster and encourage full student participation. A good instructor will praise you in public for the things you do right. If you make a mistake in your technique they will never tell you that you are doing something wrong without fixing it immediately. A good instructor will strive to give the most precise instructions concerning in-class exercises and will never start a drill until everyone is on the same sheet of music. A good instructor knows how to handle a difficult student. A good instructor answers studentís questions in a professional (not demeaning to the student) manner. A good instructor strives to provide realistic tough training that constantly reinforces the basics and instills a high level of self confidence in their students.

    A Few Arguments for being a student prior to being an instructor:
    1.) You will have a good solid foundation.
    2.) You will know the frustrations of being a student.
    3.) You will have earned the respect of coming up through the ranks (this is especially important if you have no prior training or experience).

    Fighting American ìThese Belts Arenít Issued Theyíre Earned.î



    Sunday: Weights: Shoulders; Body Exercises: Pull-Ups (20,15,15,10); Push-Ups (50×4); Dips (25×4).

    Monday: Weights: Chest Day and Core Body Work

    Tuesday: Cardio: 3.0 Mile Run Timed (Ave. 20:00 Min.); 1:15 Hrs of MMA which includes a 15 Min. moderate warm-up consisting of calisthenics followed by a stretching period; 1:15 Hrs of Krav Maga which includes a 15 Min moderate warm-up consisting of calisthenics followed by a stretching period.

    Wednesday: Weights: Arms (Biceps, Triceps, Forearms, Grip Strength); 1:30 Hrs of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; 30 Min. of MMA.

    Thursday: Cardio: 3.0 Mile Run Timed (Ave. 20:00 Min.); 1:15 Hrs of MMA which includes a 15 Min. moderate warm-up consisting of calisthenics followed by a stretching period; 1:15 Hrs of Krav Maga which includes a 15 Min moderate warm-up consisting of calisthenics followed by a stretching period.

    Friday: Weights: Back and Lats; Body Exercises: Chin-Ups (20,15,15,10); Push-Ups (50×4); Dips (25×4).

    Saturday: Cardio: 5 Mile Run (No Time) with Hills; Bas Ruttenís MMA Workout (Approx 28 Min.).

    I am fortunate to have my own gym in my basement and plenty of open roads out my front door (with hills and trails less then two miles from my house). I also have two kids; so I have to get up early or stay up late to get all of my training in. Sometimes life gets in the way of working out, but the important thing is not to get off track for to long. It is easier to stay in shape rather to continually get in shape.

    Some Exercise Descriptions:

    Chin-ups are done with a supinated (underhand) grip, in which the palms of your hands point toward you and your thumbs point away from each other.

    Pull-ups are usually done using the pronated (overhand) grip, meaning that the palms of your hands point away from you, with your thumbs pointing toward each other.

    Push-ups work out your chest. But, depending on the grip it will hit other parts too, like shoulder, and triceps. The different types and which part they work out:

    Shoulder-length grip: Your chest.

    Wide-grip: Your outer-chest.

    Close-grip (that forms a triangle with your fingers): Your inner chest, but, mainly your Triceps (the muscles on the back above your elbows).

    You can also elevate your feet off the ground, and this will target your lower chest. Elevating your upper body and doing push-ups will target your upper chest.

    You should try to do a variation of all them, since; push-ups themselves are not as intense as bench-pressing.

    A dip is a compound, push-type exercise which works a large number of muscles in your chest, shoulders, and arms at the same time. You can perform dips by grasping two parallel bars that are approximately shoulder-width apart. Raise yourself up to an initial position with your arms extended and supporting the entire weight of your body. Next, lower yourself to a final position where your elbows are bent and your shoulders are mildly stretched, and then use your arms to push yourself upwards to the initial position again.


    I like the Screaming in the Ear idea and if you get close enough you should take a big bite too.

    Have you ever heard of Verbal Judo?

    While Verbal Judo is probably best used when the attack is not imminent (you only have time to react and fight). In any case it is required reading at many LE Academies and the teachings do have merit.


    Hey Krav Princess,

    Where do you train? I notice you are new to the forum and live in Michigan.


    Mid-west Michigan

    Any chance there will be a Midwest Regional Training Center? Possibly in Michigan or Ohio?

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