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  • #71844

    Re: KM vs Jiu Jitsu

    I’ve trained a little bit with Claudio Franca up here. My wife used to help babysit his kids on occasion. I’m not training at the moment though.


    Re: Advanced Krav Maga David Kahn

    Well, what else would you do in that situation if you found yourself there? Even trying to get up could get you stomped in the head. At least if you break a guys arm or something, you eliminate one threat. Plus, there’s not ALWAYS three, four or fifty guys at an assault.


    Re: KM vs Jiu Jitsu

    I have been in a streetfight before and used only BJJ. It was a one on one encounter on concrete. It was over fast and I was happy with the results. Even though it was on concrete, I didn’t feel a thing. Afterwards, I noticed my elbow was kind of cut open and bleeding, but with the adrenaline, I didn’t notice the hard surface at all.

    Plus, getting scraped on the concrete or asphalt is a small price to pay to WIN, as opposed to possibly getting knocked out on any surface. Not only will you get ko’d which could be pretty damaging to your health, you could also hit your head on the way down if it’s in a parking lot and finally, if you are KO’d, who knows what can happen to you while you’re out.

    You HAVE to train in KM to be ready for anything. But some of the reasons why people don’t like BJJ are more myth than truth.


    Re: KM vs Jiu Jitsu

    Good points, Ryan.

    I think that the sport side of BJJ is misunderstood though. The sport is live training. I’ve tried a lot of different martial arts, including KM. Nothing gives you the feeling of self-defense based “live” training like BJJ. It’s the only art where you give and receive 100%. The sport isn’t like TKD where it’s silly kicks for points. The sport side is there to make you as used to grappling with a human being as possible, so when it’s on the line, you know EXACTLY how it feels.

    But BJJ is pretty shabby when it comes to weapons, multiple attackers etc.


    Re: It’s Time That We Change Things

    If it did work, it would be the first time in the history of martial arts, something like that worked. And the day after everyone agreed to it, someone would break off. It’s not necessarily a bad thing either. The politics can be legitimate disagreements on what direction the system should go. Every human being is going to have their own philosophical, experiential and physical interpretation of ANY martial art. Therefore, instructors are going to want to make modifications. And beyond that, it can be really annoying to be a part of a mega-organization. If your Krav Maga org is the only org in the world, where do you go if you have a legitmate grievance or disagreement?

    I love your idea, but it’s not necessarily good.


    Re: Is this guy a fraud?

    Ok, all good points. But has anyone in the KM community actually heard of him and has anyone actually heard of the IPP?


    Re: Hisardut fight

    That looked a lot like Kyokushin Karate. In fact, what is the difference?


    Re: Advanced Krav Maga David Kahn

    I am a big supporter of David. His first book was really great and had some fun fitness routines in it.


    Re: KM vs Jiu Jitsu

    I think there are some misleading posts about BJJ on here. Some BJJ schools are more sporting. But some are not all about sport.

    The answer is this: Krav Maga will provide you with an aggressive stand up/striking style that is geared towards quick threat neutralization. It will also cover weapons disarming etc. The negative is that with all striking arts, sometimes you just meet someone who will knock you out if you throw a punch/knee etc.

    BJJ on the other hand is a way to avoid striking. The goal in BJJ is to close the distance and not exchange strikes with your opponent. You should use your advantage of grappling against his lack of grappling knowledge to neutralize him positionally, break a joint, choke him out or punch him out once you’ve established a dominant position in which he cannot hurt you but you can hurt him. The negatives for BJJ are that it’s not necessarily a quick method (though I think 99% of the time you’d end the fight within 20-30 seconds) and it is not a good method for multiple attackers or weapons.

    I just wanted to clear this up because many people watch the UFC and think “I’d never do BJJ, I’m not going to lay on the ground for 30 minutes waiting for an armbar”. In a self-defense situation against someone who does not know BJJ, you would most likely take him down, gain positional control, mount and punch him out within 30 seconds.


    I thought it was great. The review is here at


    Thanks everyone for the great response on the Israeli Arts DVD’s I had available.

    The only set left is the 5 volume Moni Aizik Combat Survival Krav Maga set.

    I’ll sell it right now for 50 dollars, shipping included.

    [email protected]

    it won’t last at 50 very long, so email fast. Thanks.


    Moni Aizik Still Available

    Thanks to everyone here who purchased all the DVD’s I was selling.

    The only set left is the Moni Aizik 5 DVD set. I’ll drop the price from 100 to 75 for the first person to email me. Honestly, it’s a great set. Moni does some cool things on there like live choke outs, VERY good rape defense and some solid weapons disarms.

    [email protected]



    I know this sounds weird, but drink lots of gelatin. Get plain knox gelatin and mix it in something and drink it down. It helps rebuild connective tissue. Also, take A LOT of calcium. Preferably liquid calcium with the proper mixtures of magnesium and vit. d. Also, you might want to try Chondroitan and MSM. If you did all of those things nutrionally, I think you’ll speed your recovery. Also, stay away from carbonated beverages, because the carbonation saps your body of calcium and inhibits mineral absorption.




    Many people here cross train in many things. Bas Rutten is not Krav Maga either, but he is involved in the Krav Maga organization. Amir Perets has put out his own spin on Krav Maga and he comes from the organization.

    There is no reason to be a jerk about it. Some people want these DVDs and since I already took the hit of buying them retail, I figured someone here might want them way cheaper than retail. Like I tried to kindly explain, THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS. I’m not \”advertising\”. These are just used DVD’s that I need to get rid of for financial reasons and thought guys here might want them. Since I’ve received over 7 emails for people interested in purchasing them, I think I was right.

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