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  • #58578

    Re: Dojo Ho’s!

    how about “dojo ho’s” that perform other styles in class but do not even perform them correctly?


    Re: Human Weapon – Silat

    quote Craig P:

    No more morning coffee for me, from now on it’s fresh squeezed lime juice… right in each eye! OhMy

    with that being said, I never knew Steve-o was a student of Silat until now.


    Re: Technique Vs. Strength

    it’s kind of like golf to me…strength from technique. without technique, there is greater waste of energy in your attacks. With technique, you are able to minimize waste and have that lost energy applied to maximize damage, speed, etc.


    Re: Defense againt mounts

    wow nice video…go gogoplata.


    Re: Spazz! Control Thyself!

    it gets worse when they start being critical of KM techniques, insisting their years of Savate or MT training has much better ones…but after seeing their first punch you realize, in a eyerolling, plain obvious way, they’re just blowing major smoke out of their ass…


    Re: I know it’s been discussed before…

    quote JohnL:

    Our last level 1 test at the school was close to 3.5 hours.. about half of a workshop, the other half of pure hel… the test. 😀 Accelerade will be your friend, probably 1 and a half bottles of it. A few hours before the test, start sipping on water. You can suffer performance loss of up to 30% being dehydrated, so drink drink drink.

    is gatorade the official drink of KM?


    Re: Geen Belt Test Canceled 🙁

    quote KravMDjeff:

    There are some things that the testing instructor may be looking for that requires a mutliple attacker drill or something like that. Regardless, a private test is difficult both to particiate in and to evaluate.

    ooh good point!

    great signature by the way! thumbsup


    I thought lvl1 was 4 hours???


    that sucks man…it doesn’t make sense that you’re being held back just because there isn’t enought people to test…

    hmm…actually that really sucks. sorry to hear.

    quote sevenor11:

    The stop goofing off comment was made as my partner and I were doing exactly as we were instructed. I had several issues with what had happened. First, he doesn’t teach very often. I’ve been going to class about 3-4 times a week for about 7 months now. I’ve had him twice. The comment wasn’t a “get your head out of your ass” motivational comment…it was a “in my class you don’t mess around” comment. As if he wanted to flex his “I’m an instructor and you’re not” muscles. Every other instructor I’ve had knows that we take the training seriously. Respect the classes and the instructors. And don’t goof off, complain, or slack off.

    Everyone here seems to agree that you should stand with your weight on the balls of both feet, no matter how high your heel is. My problem with his instruction was that he said we should have our front foot FLAT on the ground. Which in my opinion is just plain wrong. Even the owner of the facility/head instructor taught us that we should balance our weight on the balls of the feet.

    I’ve had the instructors that work you to death to prepare you for real life situations. The ones that push you to your limit and bring out the best in you. There are a few of those at the facility and I try to never miss a class. This guy was far from that.

    not trying to be offensive, but why the big fuss? It’s not like the instructor is constantly hounding you…I just let it pass. =)


    why not go for the windpipe instead?

    quote DirtyHippieUte:

    Now that’s just not true. My krav class has no middle aged women… Just a bunch of fat guys from the Sheriff’s dept. and a skinny kid who watched Human Weapon.

    LMAO…hey who are you calling skinny?! I much prefer being labeled lean and agile instead. 😉

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