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    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    Also coatesy you say you like both styles, yet you say that in (non commando) krav maga we are taught to ‘punish’ the attacker. I’ve never been taught to ‘punish’ anyone, I’ve been taught to counterattack as soon as possible, move off the line and scan for further attackers, objects to use as weapons and a bloody escape route! Were you not taught similar tactics or are you simply repeating the breeze that Moni chats as to why his inability to punch is somehow a strength in a combat situation?[/quote]
    KIor i have been told by a few kravists studying both about it and i have never heard moni say anyhting like that,
    I know i said the last post was my last but i feel i have to explain myself.
    Poeple assumeing again.
    This is my final take feel free to critisise but i have had a few disrespectful messages and posts just for wanting to know and putting my points across my take on things.
    I admit i like some of the techniques as i have seen them and used them before from training in other places so thats why i like ckm but i also like the direct anything goes approach of km ckm is good for restraining ie arresting and poeple who work in violent places of work where they cant use the awesomeness of km where it would damage the attacker in which the attacker would deserve it.
    I think moni should really come foreward for his people to no matter what as there are alot of poeple who want to know.
    Psyops i know we havent seen eye to eye but thats just difference of opinions. You feel passionate about this subject so you would be the 1 to push for this like englands asa got on to it.Poeple do deserve to know.
    But also remeber other poeples lively hood is at stake descent hard working familiy poeple.
    It will all come out in the end .
    I am a big fan of both and will use what suits me.
    Yes i have been warned on this forum twice which annoyed me for wanting to speek up and i think you would be to.
    Its up to the individual in the end i dont agree with telling poeple what to do just advice there is to much of that in the world do this do that.
    Poeple to listen to are the poeple who study both espcially the teachers of both.
    i am not interested in an smart arse comments niether which i have had before.
    Everyone have a great xmas and a new year :wav:


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    Everyone have a great xmas and a new year :wav:



    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    quote coatesy:

    Everyone Have A Great Xmas And A New Year :wav:

    i Second That. Merry Christmas Ho, Ho, Ho!!!!!!!


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    Who do you believe in more guys? Moni or Santa Claus? Moni would in in fact make a great Santa. “Merry Xmas kids, come and buy some toys. And let me tell you about the time me and Rudolf got together with Charles Dickens to write A Christmas Carol and re-invent the celebration of Christmas”


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik


    Comment on your statement: “If you have not gone through Certifications in both styles, then you are on the outside looking in. If you have, then your opinion will be an informed one.”

    Maybe everyone should state what systems they have certifications in so everyone can be clear on who is “informed” based on your criteria. You may be on to something! How many people on this forum have been certified in both CKM and KMWW? I don’t meet your qualifications so I am one on the outside looking in. (lol) Anyone else willing to admit that they too are on the outside looking in? I know that there are many former KMWW instructors now with CKM. I guess you don’t want to hear from them because they will explain why they left KMWW and that may be too personal.

    I’m not sure what types of self defense systems are in your areas, but, in the NY tri state area, there are systems everywhere. There are only a few KMWW programs and many other systems of Krav Maga. So, it’s easy to personally see and experience different systems first hand and not just in video’s or magazine articles. That’s what I do and many individuals from other systems are on the mat with my class all the time.
    I guess if all you have is message boards to get your information then use what you got. However, you really learn about a system when you move around with some serious students of that given system.

    As for techniques, many of my students have trained in different systems like MMA, boxing, jiu jitsu and they don’t initially believe in outside of their style. They often come in with a “show me” mentality. Since I have trained and respect many of the arts these guys train in, we meet eye to eye on many fronts. So style clashes are normal protocol to our program and we approach each without conflict. If you have the means, visit.


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    Why the anger with CKM? is it because he used krav maga in the title? Let me be clear im not defending moni CKM is most def not krav maga. Im just trying to get a grasp on the issue so i dont offend anyone.


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    quote blokrocbet:

    Why the anger with CKM? is it because he used krav maga in the title? Let me be clear im not defending moni CKM is most def not krav maga. Im just trying to get a grasp on the issue so i dont offend anyone.

    The Case against CKM:

    He lied about his military career – he was a Fitness instructor rather than a Special Forces fighter.

    He made up outlandish stories about his unit being wiped out in a surprise attack and being asked to work with Imi Lichtenfeld to put together a new hand-to-hand system for the Israeli Defence Forces.

    He spuriously claimed that his system was that used by the Israeli Special Forces.

    He lied about having a contract to return to Israel each month to teach hand-to-hand combat to various Special Units.

    He arrogated credibility for his system through these fabrications and, on the basis of that unwarranted credibility, took a lot of money from people.

    The Case for CKM:

    Yet to be heard as neither he nor his people have put together a cogent defence and publicised it.

    Does that explain the anger? He has a right to criticise other styles of Krav Maga and compete against them. It’s the alleged mesh of fabrication that has caused the upset.


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    OK i get it. I now moni is all about the money


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    quote blokrocbet:

    OK i get it. I now moni is all about the money

    and had you read the first 5 pages of this thread, you would have known that, too :):


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    it was easier to ask thanks to those who responded to me


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik


    Moni Aizik is being sued. If you got screwed by this guy I want you to contact me. You can do so in open forum or via PM. A very good friend of mine has taken this whole thing to a new level and he is going to do everything he can to get your money back and to publicly expose Moni in court! Again this is not a b.s. claim! It is real and I can assure you that people with the utmost integrity are sincerely pursuing this guy!

    Contact me for more info and I will make sure you get all the help you need!


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    it’s a class action lawsuite being filed by the lead lawyer that’s been working with the group that has helped expose mr. aizik.

    for those that dont know yet, as all of his instructors and students already know, mr. aizik is no longer lives in canada, he fled to venezuela. he claims that he moved to there because his wife suffers from a medical condition that she needs to be in the sun for.

    the reason he moved there is because 1, he learned that his military record was uncovered and that sparked the process of the lawsuite, adn 2, he picked venezuela because it has no legal treaty with thh US or canada, so they dont have to turn him over to the authorities when he gets charged.

    in another week or so, pino menahem aizik’s record will be released….stay tuned.

    and pino……enjoy the view while it lasts and make sure to use lots and lots of sun protection. and do drink to many pinokoladas!


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    its a shame that he had to talk such bull****! as commando krav maga is a very very good system and moni seems to be a very good martial artist.

    he has managed to discretit a very good martial art and one that (in the u.k anyway) seems to have alot more classes then krav maga.


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    quote blanker:

    its a shame that he had to talk such bull****! as commando krav maga is a very very good system and moni seems to be a very good martial artist.

    he has managed to discretit a very good martial art and one that (in the u.k anyway) seems to have alot more classes then krav maga.

    Hi blanker,

    who have you trained with in the UK to form that view of CKM? Not asking in any rhetorical way, genuinely interested.

    also, there are quite a few more Krav Maga teachers than CKM in the UK, I’m not sure where you’ve looked.


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    quote morkravi:

    it’s a class action lawsuite being filed by the lead lawyer that’s been working with the group that has helped expose mr. aizik.

    for those that dont know yet, as all of his instructors and students already know, mr. aizik is no longer lives in canada, he fled to venezuela. he claims that he moved to there because his wife suffers from a medical condition that she needs to be in the sun for.

    the reason he moved there is because 1, he learned that his military record was uncovered and that sparked the process of the lawsuite, adn 2, he picked venezuela because it has no legal treaty with thh US or canada, so they dont have to turn him over to the authorities when he gets charged.

    in another week or so, pino menahem aizik’s record will be released….stay tuned.

    and pino……enjoy the view while it lasts and make sure to use lots and lots of sun protection. and do drink to many pinokoladas!

    I can hear it now-

    “CKM- the official defense system of the Venezuelan Commandos and Hugo Chavez” :):

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