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    Re: Nutrition question

    You could buy some pre-cut fruits at the supermarket and eat a few pieces whenever you are hungry. Or just take a whole piece of fruit, such as an apple, pear, peach, banana or the like. It’s healthy and it’ll fill you up.


    Re: Sparring Gear – What do I need?

    Fairtex makes good stuff.


    Re: Can fight class ingrain bad habits?

    Another reason for doing these drills is that you might already have an injury when suddenly attacked in a real fight and then are unable to fight in your regular, preferred way. For example, you might have a broken right arm, and now you can only punch with the left, or you might need to rely more strongly on your kicks, even if you prefer to punch. Or you may carry something precious in one arm, something you can’t drop (such as a baby) and now you’ll have to find a way to defend yourself from that position. Or you might like to kick, but are pushed into a corner during a surprise attack and now you’ll have to punch from there. It’s good to train in different ways, because you can’t always control what will happen in a fight. Better be prepared for anything.


    Re: ikmf or kmw?

    I haven’t done “snatch the pebble”, but I’ve done a speed drill once where both students had their hands held out in front of them and then one student had to try and slap the other’s hand, while that student tried to pull back. I suppose these drills can improve speed and reaction time, but, if they are done at all, they shouldn’t be done for more than maybe a minute or two, just as part of the general warm up.


    Re: Krav Maga and CrossFit

    This is an interesting thread. If you do some googling, there are actually a couple of sites that seem to combine Crossfit and KM, such as these:

    I think KM and Crossfit compliment each other well. Crossfit can give you an all around workout, improving strength and endurance, which is very helpful for doing KM. As for scheduling, if you’re in decent shape, I think it wouldn’t be a problem to do one hour of Crossfit and then one hour of KM or vice versa. If it’s too much, you could always alternate, do KM one day, then Crossfit the next.


    Re: How long is your class?

    Yes, one hour.


    Re: Creative/fun warmups?

    quote CLFMak:

    There was a neat one I learned at a seminar with Eyal, but its kind of hard to describe. You start on your hands and feet, stomach facing down. Pick up your right hand and left foot and rotate to a stomach up position. Switch to left hand and right foot, and continue rotating the same direction to a stomach down position. You can repeat this and you end up rotating in a circle as your torso also rotates. It looks like crappy breakdancing. I like it because it puts the shoulder through a range of motion while supporting bodyweight.

    I’ve done something similar in class once. Then there was one where you have to grab your feet and then roll onto your side and then back up, using a minimal amount of momentum and instead just shifting your weight. Hard to describe, but it was fun.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I usually watch some TV after coming home from class and eat dinner. Then I go to bed and sleep like a baby…

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