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    Re: Columbus, ohio — CoreTactix or Ohio krav maga n fitness

    quote mike_v:

    ive experienced introductory courses to both.
    Both were great,
    Coretactix was intense and great people
    OKMV gives has greater class scheduling and is minutes from house.

    Both seemed like good instruction and to appear at one point to be affiliated in an old school several years ago.

    Any thoughts or recomendation?
    I want the best instruction.


    I’m a head instructor at OKM east.. Where did you take your intro at? Hilliard with Aaron?
    I’ll shoot you a PM.


    Re: Winter Camp 2010!

    do we know who is teaching what?


    Re: Colorado Winter Camp 2010 – Minimum Proficiency?

    Do we know who will be teaching what?


    Re: Problems with Knife Disarms

    quote dckm:

    my only issue with krav maga knife disarms is that i wish they were taught earlier in the curriculum. a bad guy isn’t gonna wait til i’m on level 4 to attack me with a knife.

    Recommend to your instructors to have monthly weapon disarm classes.. We do this and they are actually quite popular.


    Re: Disrespect of TM dojo Sensei’s/Master

    Next time I get in a fight, I’ll pull out of kata from my old TKD training days.. hopefully my attacker will cooperate.


    Re: Recovery time for ruptured Achilles Heel?

    Search on the crossfit site’s forum on what people did recovering from ACL and achilles tears, some good advice for recovery workouts.


    Re: Recovery time for ruptured Achilles Heel?

    My cousin’s husband tore his playing basketball.. He was off of it completely for 3 months then while we were on vacation together, he was jogging on a treadmill(10 mins at 5mph) and able to walk all the time on the beach(probably 6 months). After 8 months, he was back to 90% and after a year, he says he has no pain and able to do everything he could before.


    Re: Students hitting too hard to often?

    We had a guy that seemed like he just liked to hurt people in our fight class… After a few talks with him, he still was too rough.

    So we put him with one of our instructors the following week, he got the hell beat out of him and never came back. Problem solved.

    And the whole telling people to go 50% works if they are the same size and understand what 50% is… A few weeks ago, I was against a guy that deadlifts 700+ lbs so his 50% is my 200%!!! hahahah


    Re: Got the phone call from Carla!!

    Bah.. Phase was easy.. Not sure why everyone says how hard they are.. ;):

    If you can.. during the 1 min “rest” of bas.. do 10-15 burpees then start back up the next round just in case you might do…. oh…. 100 burpees during a warm up at phase.


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    quote garddawg:

    Interesting topic. There just isn’t very much in life that isn’t made better by being stronger than the next guy. Being strong is good. Getting strong is hard. I wrote an article for the CrossFit Journal outlining how to add strength training to CrossFit. Getting strong while keeping your metabolic conditioning high. We took a 16 year old, 150 pound kid and brought him up to a 330# back squat and a 2:30 Fran. A 25 year old 170 pound guy got a 505# deadlift and an old guy, about 49 who weighed 165 pulled a 430 pound deadlift and a 340# back squat. Its a good read and we lay the program out pretty thoroughly.

    Quick question garddawg…

    I work on strength every now and then, but focus mainly on WOD’s (not from the main site, just stupid ones we come up with). Can one get stronger from using heavier weights during a WOD? Example…using 135 for push presses instead of 95, so you’re doing a metcon type of workout but using heavier weights for the lift parts of it.

    Just wondering. 🙂


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    Kettlebells are great but your real strength/power/explosiveness will come from Olympic lifts, and complex lifts. Stick with those; then supplement with KB’s.


    Re: Fight Music/Workout Music

    pantera… and all that remains.. only 2 groups u need


    Re: CrossFit and Bas got me through it!

    Monkey bar.. gym jones.. all the same, they are all crossfit. Try some of the Navy SEAL WOD’s.. not too bad if you enjoy running.. A LOT. hahaha


    Re: CrossFit and Bas got me through it!

    Great job Steve!!!!

    I agree 100% on CrossFit… When we give krav tests at our school, you can tell who takes crossfit and who doesn’t. It’s amazing the difference between the two.


    Re: Is Krav Training Effective?…Enough?

    Here is a drill I had my lvl 3 class do a few months back.. 1 person was in the “middle” and the rest of us walked out of the room. We picked 1 “bad” guy to be the attacker while the rest of us just walked around. We came back in the room and all walked around bumping into the person in the middle.. When the bad guy wanted to, he sucker punched the guy in the middle then they reacted with counters. My goal was for the targeted person to take the first blast then go, go, go, go. This has been probably the most “realistic” drill I’ve put my students through.

    Then of course, they wanted me to be in the guy in the middle at the end and they all jumped me at once. good times.

    disclaimer —- head gear and gloves were used; No level 3 students were harmed during this drill.. much. hahahahah

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