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  • #77360

    Re: Appropriate gear/attire for Krav seminar?

    I second the cup and a mouth piece probably wouldn’t be a bad idea since you do not know anything about your training partners. Personally, I like to wear athletic shorts or fight shorts and a wicking Under Armour (sp?) shirt since I sweat profusely. I do not like wearing the krav shirts as I get too hot and sweaty and the ironed on logos make me break out in a rash.


    Re: My instructor is leaving any advice on another style to take?

    We don’t have Kali locally sadly and no dedicated muay thai. Just kickboxing that doesn’t focus on competition self defense and fighting; it is mostly a cardio class with some light sparring. We have a ton of TKD and traditional schools which I’m not that interested in because I have spent 3 years training in a traditional style before and it wasn’t for me.

    I have heard of an MMA gym about 20 min away but can’t find any information about it on the webs so I think I might take a drive next week.


    Re: My instructor is leaving any advice on another style to take?

    I figured I would give the new guy a chance but I don’t want to get shoehorned into a contract for a new instructor I might not like. I think since I’ve been training here over a year and half that I should have the option of getting a one month trial contract extension to see if I want to stay at the school or not.

    If they don’t offer that then I will have to sadly take my business elsewhere. I don’t want to be an ass about it but I don’t want to pay for 5 months of training that I will not enjoy and won’t benefit me.


    Re: Increasing Flexibilty

    I hope I don’t have have to give up my man card :). I claim since I’m doing krav that I get to keep it.


    Re: Any other gun nuts?

    I am not a gun nut per se. I have an 3 in 9 mM XD subcompact as my only gun. I LOVE THIS GUN. I have medium hands and this gun fits perfectly in them. It doesn’t jam and is easy to conceal (which is actually quite hard in the FL heat when you wear as little as possible). I gifted my old 9mM Taurus to my father.

    As a leftie, I HATE guns that don’t have ambidextrous safeties and mag releases thus I settle on the XD. No stupid lever just grip and fire.


    Re: Increasing Flexibilty

    Anyone else use power yoga? If so does it really work?


    Re: Criticall Test for 911 Dispatch

    Thanks. This is a major departure from what I’ve done the last 8 years (professional student) but I relized after 4 years in the lab that I HATE working in labs and wanted to try something different for a few years while I debate my next move (thinking medical school but that would be 2 years out).


    Re: Criticall Test for 911 Dispatch

    I don’t know how I’m going to do on it. I think I can multitask and focus on two things at a time (I just finished my Masters in chemistry and realized I hate the lab but it did involve multitasking since I had 2-3 things going on at all times). My only worry is the spelling portion of the exam. I rely on spell check if I spent a few weeks I could learn all the common words that I misspell.


    Re: My first experience with the Bas CD’s

    I’m really curious to hear about what addons you all do. Right now I can do the 2 min rounds and be really tired but the 3 min rounds just kill me. I normally do:

    3x 2 min boxing rounds
    5x 2 min Thai Boxing
    2x 3 min Thai boxing

    and then I drink a liter of Gatoraide and sleep.


    Re: Lamenting the loss of krav classes

    The night classes have about 5-10 people in them. I do not know about the afternoon classes (I am in my lab then and cannot leave to attend them). If I had to bet I would say that the change to X-fit is because it is the start of the year and people have made “new years resolutions” to get fit. Thus, they want an activity to do (and can get signed into long term contracts). While this will be a great workout (we have done some of it in class) I just don’t get the point for paying for it. I am fully capible of doing cardio work like cross and x fit on my own. I do not see why I should shell out 100 bucks a month to pay someone for something I can do on my own.

    A few people are annoyed at the change but the majority of our Krav students only attend once or twice (at most) a week. The regualar students seem to be the most perturbed. If only 3-4 students where coming (like the cancelled fight/weekend classes) I could understand. The instructors time is valuable so if enough students are not showing up I can understand canceling.


    Re: My first experience with the Bas CD’s

    i know he does; I have lent my discs out to a few guys I train with and they have all bought the CD’s as well instead of copying mine. That is how you know you have a great product.


    Re: My first experience with the Bas CD’s

    I thought about copying them I won’t lie but figured if they are as good as people say then they must be worth the money.


    Re: My first experience with the Bas CD’s

    I made it through no problem. The last few rounds hurt but I kept pushing. My main problem is I’m a southpaw and need to reverse the left and right straights and hooks and that can be confusing when you are tired.


    Re: KM vs Jiu Jitsu

    Krav I feel is way more practical and useful. However, we do practice BJJ at our fight class and sometimes in lieu of of krav classes if it is a small class of regulars and we feel like rolling. It is fun and I find it has helped in my escapes from the ground (the krav curriculum). Also, landing a rear naked choke is highly satisfying.


    Re: Can you shadow box with the Bas CD’s

    I figured I would do them with my boxing gloves on to have the additional weight on my hands.

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