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  • #89936

    Re: Just Starting

    My dad took Krav for about 3 years. He made it to level 4 before he had to quit because of his knees. He loved it. He’s in his 60’s.

    You won’t get a full powered groin strike in class. It’s more as a precaution.


    Re: Alpha Krav Maga is better than KMWW???

    Someone told me on this forum years ago: Train with the instructors you like, forget the rest. I hold this true. I’ve had a wide range of instruction from all kinds of instructors. Talk to the students. Try out a class. It’s your dollar. Make sure it’s a good fit for YOU.


    Re: Any takers?

    I thought the same thing about multiple attackers.


    Re: Maximizing class benefits


    I also train at STW. I sent you a PM if you have any questions.


    Re: Maximizing class benefits

    If you’re taking class at a KM Worldwide school, Darren Levine and John Whitman’s book The Complete Krav Maga is an excellent supplement to your training.

    For conditioning, get a nice heavy bag and possibly Bas Rutten’s heavy bag workout CDs. They’re great too.


    Re: Why punch with knuckles?

    For this very reason, hammer fist and palm strikes are taught early on in KM. For many beginners, throwing a proper punch is new and injury would be likely. The straight punch has also been modified to allow the top two knuckles to be inline with the rest of bone of the arm, making it better for unprotected hands.

    If I ever had to use KM in a street situation, I would probably choose to use a palm strike rather than straight punch for this very reason. But a knuckle-based strike would need to be used in a hook or uppercut.

    In any of these strikes the risk of injury is always a possibility. But I’m willing to risk a broken elbow or knuckle in hopes of preventing a trip to the ER or morgue.


    Re: New guy @ the forum

    Looking at your post in the other thread…looks like some really great foundations and practical self defense in your background. Looks like KM is going to be a great addition to your arsenal.


    Re: Krav Maga Alone?

    I’ve heard Rickson Gracie on Joe Rogan’s Podcast criticize the more sport focused BJJ and it’s departure from self defense. That’s cool that your school keeps it in the self defense realm.

    We used to have a more MMA focused arm of classes at our school. I would bring certain things from the MMA class into the KM class. Dropping one hand to torque a round kick. Going straight into a covering defense rather than working inside defenses for punches. Going for a submission rather than getting back to my feet. Had to break some habits.


    Re: New guy!

    Welcome! Good luck in you’re training!


    Re: New guy @ the forum

    Welcome to the forum. Find yourself a good school and try it out when you’re well enough to do it. Although your previous MA experience isn’t required to be a good KM student, it can help with discipline, commitment, hard work etc. Your BJJ experience will translate into some KM techniques with some modifications. Every part of the system is about how well it will work in the street, so you’ll see some differences. Also, make sure your KM school is licensed. This way, you’ll know that you’re getting the right instruction.


    Re: krav maga is not effective in real life !

    I heard about that as well.


    Re: krav maga is not effective in real life !

    Ok…why not?….Here’s my take on your criticism.

    quote :

    1-krav maga techniques are based on strike to the weak point of the body (eyes throat groin etc ) and you CANNOT train this techniques with your partner . you cannot kill or maim your friend !
    and a good muay thai fighter better can kick someone to the groin . also a boxer better can punch someone to the throat

    Why wouldn’t anyone faced with a life threatening situation target these areas? If it’s there, destroy it and go home safe. Sure you can’t stick your thumb in your partner’s eye and rip it out. But I’ve been kicked in the groin enough to know that it works.

    quote :

    2-krav does not have full-contact sparring and competition . i saw many sparring of krav guys on youtube and all of them was P**** ! they dont know anything from the fight . they learned some groin shots and eye pokes and think they are bada** but i promise you guys they su** in the street

    A championship belt won’t guarantee my survival, so what’s the point? Although there’s not the same frequency of sparring that you’d find in MMA or MT, we do spar. But sparring in sport fighting is the simulation of the actual fight. In KM we drill to simulate the actual attack.

    quote :

    3- i think 360 defense and inside defense are completely bull**** ! what the hell you think about the street fight !? can you defense against boxer’s hook punches with 360 defense ? NO
    or a choke from bjj fighters … they spar that techniques and they know how to dont let you escape from their chokes

    The 360 defense isn’t the only defense that we have against a hook punch. But ask yourself…how would you defend that attack if the boxer had a knife in his hand? We have plenty of choke defenses in our curriculum. Yes, the skill level of the BJJ attacker can be a factor…but how many BJJ black belts are going to be kicking in my door trying to commit a home invasion?

    quote :

    4-you think wrestlers / boxers / thai boxers etc etc etc cannot fight in the street because they train in the sport !!
    and it’s wrong . there are many youtube videos that show boxers destroy their opponent

    There is no perfect system. And as much as you may thing KM has no value, it does cover many of the common attacks that people are threatened with everyday. That’s what we train for. It’s not just the 1on1/unarmed street fight that many think is the only threat you’ll ever face.

    You’ve listed several other martial arts as better than Krav for self defense, and don’t take this as a knock on those other disciplines. BJJ, Boxing, MT, Wrestling are fantastic (which elements of all are integrated into Krav Maga). Each has it’s end goal. Each has it’s merits.

    So here’s a little test that you can do to see how well you can handle yourself in a street encounter…because in reality, there are so many unpredictable variables that you can only hope to be prepared for:

    Next time you’re sparring in your kickboxing class, give your opponent a rubber training knife, and see how you do. Because you’re more likely to face a knife wielding crazy person than the #10 UFC middleweight in a real life attack.


    Re: krav maga is not effective in real life !

    I won’t go into too much detail about your criticisms on the system. Just to say that many law enforcement and military organizations will seriously disagree with your viewpoint.


    Re: Bad Sparring

    quote kravandy:

    That is some nonsense. If your partner is unwilling to respect your intensity comfort level, and the instructor doesn’t do a thing, don’t spar with that guy despite any pressure you might get to do otherwise. Unless there is a full and mutual understanding that sparring is to be full intensity it is unacceptable to do so. Good fight instructors I have had permanently kick students out of the class if they go too hard after either being asked by their partner or warned by the instructor to tone it down. A core principal of Krav Maga is to go home safe, and while definite risks are inherent with training in general, deliberately creating a dangerous training environment is bull****.:angry:

    We were all paired up and sparring at the same time. The instructor was helping some others out, so he didn’t see what was going down. When. He did walk by I asked him about the intensity level. He confirmed “go light”.


    Re: Bad Sparring

    quote JasonNorin:

    It is either your sparring partner naturally hits hard that your 100% is just his 50% (considering the size difference) or he is just showing off.. Or, he have some personal issues with you. Your instructor doesn’t know how to properly pair sparring partners.. He’s more dangerous compared to your over-sized training partner in my opinion. And yes, the general rule for sparring is to go lightly – especially when wearing MMA style gloves that is only made to protect your hand, and not the opponent’s body parts. Are you wearing head gear that day?

    He was a bigger guy. Talked to a few people from some MMA gyms about what happened, they said they never go beyond light taps with MMA gloves. I did have headgear on.

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