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    Re: Recommended Footwear?

    I wear a pair of Adidas indoor soccer shoes. They work great as there is no large tread to trip me up like a cross trainer. They suck when we run outdoors as they are not designed for running on pavement.

    Plus the soles more resemble she shape and rise of my dress shoes that I normally wear.


    Re: What to expect?

    quote brewmasher:

    I found a couple of pints of beer after the workout helps with the soreness the next day. I prefer unfiltered beer that is high in B vitamins.

    I found that after a good class if I drink anything with alcohol I get buzzed faster, since anything taken in is rushed out to the body quickly. Or it could be I was just too sore to lower the bottle :beer:.


    Re: Pretty good article on

    quote TacticalTimmy:

    LOL when you read the threat now it appears as if I’m referring to Paco.

    I’ve been off for a while and I saw this thread again and I was wondering what I did/said, LOL!


    Re: My observations on Krav Maga culture,it’s growth and instructors.

    quote rickprado:

    Here’s the same guys personal protection site. Love the glasses.

    REAL professional site, the Matrix and the character from the Hit Man video game? Also, dude needs to learn finger control and keep his fingers off the trigger. Oh, and the glasses put his credibility over the top rofl2.


    Re: Am I ready?

    quote ht62092:

    even though I’m never in dangerous situations.

    You never know when and where trouble is. I say, as other have, just jump in and get started. If you are in shape when you start KM then great, if not you’ll get in better shape as a result so it is still a win either way.


    Re: Favorite/Most Helpful Drills

    I hate/love aggression drills, they help me improve my situational awareness of multiple attackers as well as reinforce when I need to pay attention to my breathing, etc.

    I really love aggression drills that are kicking only. I can put some pretty large buys back with an advancing side and back kick :woohoo:.

    One drill we do is an A/B drill, A’s attack B’s (eyes closed until attack comes on). This is one of the best ways I have seen to get the adrenaline flowing some as well as allowing one to work on their assessment of the attack.


    Re: Pretty good article on

    quote Joseph Kor:

    Two things: 1: In my opinion this article comes short as to meet the title of being a “good” article. to me it seems they could’ve done much better job if they dug a littel deeper about KM and not just intervewing Mr.Gavish, who claims you can kill someone by kicking him in the nutz. Also worth mentioning that Gavish has his own thing, and without disrespecting him i think there are far more reputable places and people involved in KM that could’ve been interviewed if it was actual a “good” article.

    and 2: what is your excuse for reading foxnews? you should know better 🙂

    I agree, they could have done better and gone deeper but it was a story buried in the health section and never made it to front page. I think that it would have been a far better article if they would have gotten Darren Levine to do the demonstrations/discussions. I have seen some of his news spots and he does a very good job.

    I like Fox News because they are not some liberal offshoot like CNN or MSNBC. They are not my only source for news though, I do spread it around to make sure I get the whole story. :):


    Re: My observations on Krav Maga culture,it’s growth and instructors.

    quote Joseph Kor:

    I honestly think that someone who teaches a martial art has much more responsibility than a gym trainer. a MA trainer, just like you said, is responsible to provide exact what he sell his client. which are tools to defend himself. if the instructor is a fraud and know nothing of what he actually teach, then that is a national security issue and only for that sole reason there should be some regulation especially when it comes down to SD lessons.

    I agree completely, people who do this are actually (at times) making their students more vulnerable to danger and injury (or death).


    Re: Israel and Iran ???

    I think it is coming, soon. Israel has been picked on for thousands of years. I also believe that when this happens, the whole region from Russia down to Africa will explode. In my opinion, this event will be the beginning of the end for this World.

    I’ll not get too far in to discussion my religious beliefs and prophecy…


    Re: Completely lock-up

    quote KMyoshi:

    Krav trains you to flip a switch from 0-120mph if you were to encounter a violent confrontation through realistic stress drills. It comes with the system and you’ll overcome this speed bump in no time. Just remember, you have to put as much effort in training to get the most out of it. I have seen some people half ass their training when we are doing our stress drills.

    Very good advice, put 100% in to it. Also, after a few times in the middle of an aggression drill will get you in the mindset you’ll need to let muscle memory take over.

    The next step will be to learn how to deal with the adrenaline dump after an event, but the important part is being alive and well enough to have it to deal with.


    Re: Wrist Protection

    You mean this? It will get better, over time, just like Danielos said. I say train without protection to build up the resistance, this way if you ever have to use that in the real World you won’t be as affected by the pain as your opponent.



    Re: Fear of hurting someone

    I think the easiest way to overcome this fear is to realize that you both signed a waiver. Not to make light of the pain one can inflict on a partner, and you always want to be cognizant of partner preservation, but there are times that someone will get a little hurt during our training.

    If you train so as to not hit your partner, and vice versa, you are not doing either of you any good when/if it comes to real World application. I always tell newer students I work with to just start the moves in the lesson off slowly to make sure you have the motions down (defense for a choke from the side is a great example) so you don’t hurt the other person but you get the concept of what you need to do down. Then step up the speed a little, etc., etc.

    Just remember, partner preservation but be deliberate in your actions. Another good tip is when you are the partner, it takes skill to be a good partner. Knowing when to turn your own head, and where to turn, during certain moves (elbow strikes comes to mind) will help your partner be able to use the full range of motion required to accomplish the goal without taking your head off.


    Re: Why Krav?

    I was taking Taekwondo and got to a point where my knees could not take the twisting and spinning, after I had surgery on both my knees and no actual cartilage as a result I decided (with the urging of my Dr., Mom and Wife) I had to stop TKD. My TKD instructors had started learning Krav Maga and were working towards becoming instructors and they said I would love it and there is no real “un-natural” twisting of the knees, etc.

    I discussed it with my Dr. and he agreed that I should try it out, because he knows I can’t just sit still so he might as well go along with it.

    Since then I have loved it and enjoy every class, even the ones with the one guy who gets a little wild or the other guy who’s grappling gloves don’t secure all the way and I get Velcro burns.

    I have since been asked, and am considering, going down the Instructor path; starting with Next Generation Krav Maga. I figure I’d start teaching kids and work my way up to adult instruction if I feel the calling.


    Re: Carry-On Self Defense Accessories

    [quote=erile;51459]You use your car keys for self defense?? never heard of that.. sounds interesting because i almost always have them with me.. Do you have some more information on this? quote]

    Check out the episode of Fight Science that deals with the human weapon, they cover using improvised weapons.

    This one, or maybe this one, I dind’t have time to rewatch both videos to see which one.


    Re: Suggestions on KM basics

    quote mara_jade:

    Consider the book reference. It doesn’t replace going to class:wav:

    Right. I couldn’t cut class if I wanted to, 2 of my instructors are my Wife and kids’ TKD instructors and I’d get called out for not going rofl2

    I just bought the book on for $7.99 :woohoo:

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