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    Re: Krav noob in need of advice

    Like others said, you should expect to take some lumps and some of them will be your fault, but your instructor sounds like an egotistical ass.

    If I were you I’d move on.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    I think everyone needs to give Friendly a break as I’m of a similar mindset.
    There could be some benefits of training with males with supersized egos that are sound-minded and physically able, and yes I have sparred with arrogant men before in my training, and there has been times where I was glad having such a egotastic and tough partner. However, this is not always the case, I have also had way overcompensating male partners for example, be training, working on a move, most likely a throw, and then suddenly something happens and they become quickly and visibly upset, and make it into a dominance session. This is the case for quite a few men with oversized egos, and some smaller or shorter males, because they are often weaker, more vulnerable and this makes them uncomftorable, leading to higher agressiveness to compensate, this is called ‘Little mans syndrome’ and is more common for males with hilariously inflated imaginations of self importance but I have seen it in females as well first hand. Once again, I’m not trying to demean any sex, just noting evidence I have seen in my time training.

    Thank you and good night.


    Re: Idea: Krav Maga "Game"

    I’m not a video game kinda guy so I’m probably not the target audience for that, so take this with a grain of salt.
    But I don’t think the KM community in general is large enough to support a KM personal trainer / fitness video game in and of itself. It could work, but the key is what differentiates it from the UFC version and others out there like it.


    Re: strenth training

    I’d recommend a suspension trainer, like the TRX for example. Only I wouldn’t pay the cost for a new one or used one; you can make your own at home for roughly $35 or so. Plenty of videos on youtube on how to make one and how to use one.

    I have a homemade one and love it.


    Re: PinkGloves’ Great Adventure

    PinkGloves, I had the opportunity to train at the West Hollywood location for about a week plus this past August and cannot say enough good things about the trainers and students there. Everyone was cordial, great to work with and the classes were phenomenal. I’d love to go back and train again.


    Re: Non IKMF students

    quote lions2011:

    You may find Boxing to be EXTREMELY BORING!!!!. What makes Krav fun is their is always such variety. While boxing is just punches and more punches and some foot work and defense. Big YAWNNNN.

    Yep, nothing is as boring like someone trying to take your head off.


    Re: conditioning for class

    Depends on your fitness level. I wouldn’t advocate lifting an hour or so before class just so you won’t wear yourself out, but I can’t see a reason not to lift the day of class.


    Re: conditioning for class

    High intensity interval training/ Tabata Method will help tremendously.

    I’ll echo the comments on running and jumping rope and add body weight exercises like push ups and pull ups.


    Re: Training at a McDojo

    It’s a belt factory. A place where the head instructor/sifu/sensei/whatever is more interested in your cash than your martial arts growth.

    Check out the Ameridote videos on YouTube. Even though they are comedy, they aren’t too far off from the truth.


    Re: Training at a McDojo

    It’s funny because it is true. At least a third, if not more, apply to a place I used to train (before I picked up KM).


    Re: Training and Life Balance

    quote JJB:

    I’d like to add in a little perspective.

    I am married with three kids. Of course I could work out at home and get in shape, which would keep me at home with my family, but we can’t teach ourselves KM. You could sign up tomorrow, go 17 times or more a week and be a Hall of Fame Grandmaster of Krav someday, but your family may not join your happiness. Before you jump in, I highly recommend a conversation with your spouse and see how she feels about this. Communication is key. I will tell you one of the best things about my Krav Maga experience is that my wife is 110% supportive of it and practically kicks me out the door to go do it.

    The reason why I say this is because I know a few individuals that have spouses who are not so supportive. Resentment can fester. And if balance is your goal, I’d say make sure your family can get on board, too. It will help in the long run!

    Cannot agree more. I’m married, one child, work full time, taking full time masters classes.

    My wife knows how important physical fitness and krav maga are to me so we make it work. It helps that I generally only need about six hours of sleep, but even still it seems sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

    The good thing about keeping in shape is that there is always fifteen or 20 minutes here and there to do a quick workout, and eating healthy helps significantly.

    In the end though, if the choice is spending time with the family or going to krav class, the family win out in the end every time. I can always catch up on krav.


    Re: Krav related exercises?

    Kevin, great videos. Thanks much for posting them.


    Re: Who have you gotten to train with?

    quote KMMAN:

    Kevin, how much of your JKD is in your KM? Has there been an influence? If so, what are the main influences or things you held onto?

    I used to train in wing chun, the basis for JKD and there are a few concepts and moves that translate to KM, like the 360 defense, simultaneous attack and defense, moving off and defending the centerline.

    I learned some good stuff, but wish I had done KM instead.


    Re: Whey Protein Facts

    quote petervdberge:

    my trainer tells me that for most of the people training in krav maga, whey drinks are not a necesety. eating healthy and regular is for most more important then eating additional proteins.

    Yeah, whey’s great if you’re lifting weights or trying to build/maintain muscle but not necessary for KM. You need more carbs after KM than protein.


    Re: Who have you gotten to train with?

    I haven’t had the opportunity to train with anyone famous, but when I was in LA this past August for a work trip I worked out at the KMWW headquarters and was impressed with how friendly, accomodating, and welcoming the staff was there. Can’t say enough good things about them.

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