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    Re: Weapons on Dead vs. Live side ??

    live side is where there’s more treat/weapons. so in long gun defense, it’s the side where the butt is (the gun).

    and yes the defense is different from live side and dead side.


    Re: New KravCam videos


    More videos!


    Re: Is cage necessary for headgear?

    after my 2nd nose break in Krav (first was when i was the gunman and the dude kneed me) and the 2nd was in sparring, i decided my ENT was making too much money off me so I got a headgear with a cage.

    pro: your nose won’t break. for that matter, nothing on your face will but your opponents hand might

    con: super heavy! it was sooo hard to move my head around not to mention having horrible vision.

    after the 1st couple use, i sawed half of the cage off but that still didn’t help. Now when i do wear the head gear, i just use it without the cage.

    so my advise is if you are really worried about your face, you should do what you need to do to protect it. If you are more worried about sparring and being able to be quick, don’t use it. You won’t be able to have both unfortunately unless someone comes out with a super light weight one.


    Re: Keep in touch!

    ya, they haven’t kick me off yet 🙂


    Re: Roy Elghanayan – ?

    I’m glad you’ve found a place to train Krav but why would you say the other places are NOT going to help you? its one thing to praise your experience with one instructor but lets not dismiss others without giving them the same opportunity.


    Re: CONGRATULATIONS to the 2010 class of Black Belts!!

    congrats guys!



    I think I might be out there the 1st weekend of April for CrossFit certification. I’ll hit you up when its firm.


    Re: Has anyone taken intro to fight in LA or Sherman Oaks?

    Kevin was my first fight instructor at KMSO and the best!


    Re: Realistic Knife Defence

    quote PooDigger:

    try Pekiti Tirsia Kali

    I’m probably going to do that when I get bored with KM. I too get a little annoyed with how the KM knife and stick defenses are always demonstrated with an attacker over exaggerating his attack. Sure it’s good practice, but I tend to imagine an attacker attacking me the way I would attack someone else. But hey, I’m only in level 2, so maybe I’m speaking out of turn.


    have you seen real stick fighting or real sparring with full speed? they don’t move like the people in this demo… its more of a gross movement of big swings. google dog brothers as see some of their videos and see how people work when its for real. You will rarely see if any type of flowing trapping movement like they do in these demos.


    Re: Basic Strikes not fast enough the Krav way?

    its late and my eyes are heavy so i didn’t read through every post.. but here my take. every one is really focused on pivoting of the FOOT. but why? its not the pivoting of the foot that give you power on the punch, its your hips turning that’s making your foot pivot. If you just pivot your foot but do not engage your hips, there’s no transfer of power to you limbs. The only reason why your foot should be pivoting is because the rotation of the hip is causing the foot to pivot. it is your hips that give you the power, not the foot. if you don’t use your hips, if you don’t get your hip involved in a punch, kick, jumping, etc.. you have that much less power.


    Re: Shin Guards

    i like something that covers my foot well. if you’re throwing a lot of kicks to the ribs, you’ll understand.


    Re: Bursting

    just because its new or “current” doesn’t make it better. if it aint broke…


    Re: Hurt Back Playing Golf…Train through it?

    tennis ball is a bit to soft. use a La crosse ball. make sure to stretch out hamstrings/back of the legs. Use Ice on and off.


    Re: "downing a charging bull"?

    in a general situation of someone charging at you…

    1. get out of the way
    2. defensive front kick but his weight/velocity and your timing will play a great deal on your success of this technique
    3. if he grabs you, sprawl but his weight/velocity and your timing will play a great deal on your success of this technique
    4. if he grabs you and you are falling backwards, maybe a sacrifice throw? also known as Captan Kirk throw but his weight/velocity and your timing will play a great deal on your success of this technique

    -Smart ass reply insert here-


    Re: Hard Wrist Blocks

    if you want to be a bit more discrete, try sweat bands. it can help a bit.

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